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iMicroTec, Inc.
2649 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223  
ph. 718-435-9161              fax 347-587-3946

internet Microscope Technology

internet Microscope Technology


animal and human hematology

virtual microscope high speed area scan

parasite detection

parasite detection with cy-5 station
hematology blood differential test humans animals


Morhology morphometry object seach and segmentation SQL database


metaphase search high resolution metaphases images

sperm tests

sperm test 4 methodics motility morphology vitality DNA verification

Automated Microscopy Systems

1 4 8 9 50 100 200 specimen modular systems

Microscope Parts

microscope parts consulting repair services


new pre-owned  refurbished microscopes

Microscope Cameras

Ptgrey IDS JAI Hamamatsu modern USB 3.0 high speed cameras

See our listings on Labx and ebay 

We work with all major microscope systems and motorization parts suppliers

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